Pastor Salvador Sabino

Pastors Salvador & Kenia Sabino

Pastors Salvador and Kenia Sabino are the Senior Pastors of the Heavenly Vision Christian Center, a cell group church with more than 300 cell groups in New York City that celebrates three Sunday services: Spanish, English and bilingual to reach their community and minister through a conglomerate of ministries applicable to the metropolis.

In addition, the church has extension churches in the metropolitan area, with its Heavenly Vision Prayer Mountain Retreat Center with six buildings and a capacity of 150 people, adorned with facilities for swimming, soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis, and volleyball, located on 75 acres of a very picturesque land in the Catskills Mountains. This sector is known worldwide.

Pastor Sabino is also seen as another miracle. He emigrated from the Dominican Republic in 1970 and at a very young age he began using and distributing narcotics. While serving a prison term of 4 ½ to 9 years for drug trafficking, he had an experience that radically changed his life: The Lord Jesus visited him in his cell and called him by name to preach His word. In prison he studied in the secular and theology. Today he has a bachelor’s degree in ministries from Berean University and two honorary doctorates, Doctor of Divinity (DD) from the River Institute of Tampa Bay in 2010 and Doctor of Ministries (DM) from the California University and Theological Seminary.

Subsequently, he has been called by the program Despierta América on the Univision network as “One of the most beloved pastors in New York.” The program Al Rojo vivo on the Telemundo network has called him “Bold Pastor” for his work with gang members, ex-convicts and young people on the streets.

He has also appeared on the TBN & PBS networks in interviews and documentaries, in which his work with gangs has been highlighted. His work has also been reported in renowned magazines such as the Pentecostal Evangel and newspapers in New York and Washington, D.C. and other parts of the world. “Rev. Sal Sabino, a former drug dealer who served three prison terms, is leading a campaign to convert gang members, drug dealers, youth and the homeless to his church, which has grown from 120 to 1,100 members in eight years,” revealed the Washington Post, Sept. 11, 2000, /1cf66b0d-4f4e-488c-bfc5-5650e3470ae3/ Other reports: -archives/174-features/spiritual-awakening/849-the-latinos-are-coming

Songs have been written about the different facets of this man’s testimony. “Sabino, Rompe Jajadas” – by Ramón Rodríguez and Santiago Cerón in 1984 while he was imprisoned. “Sabino” by Mario Marrero and Alex de Castro in 2006 after his conversion was one of the best sellers on Christian boards.

For his transformation and social-ministerial work, the Governor of the State of New York grants clemency to Pastor Sabino on December 24, 2020 with the purpose of allowing him to expand his work internationally more easily ?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiw1rzIqrnzAhWgl3IEHQ3yCqMQFnoECAIQAQ& OvVaw3pwRUg_lSL1Mykdch -1h5d .

Pastor Sabino is the musical composer of numerous Christian songs recorded by Joselyn Arias, Papo Rivera and Egleyda Belliard, among others, and is also the author of eight books, including two best sellers. “Koinonia Cells” “Dos Caminos” link published by Vida/Zondervan and “Two Ways” that tells the transformative story of a former drug trafficker” Ebed Press in its English version:, https ://, -20%7C736276&p=1179710&utm_source=google&dv=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIseijhK658wIVD_jICh1rhwyYEAQYASABEgJBJvD_BwE, , /koinonia-cells-salvador-sabino.






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